School of STEAM

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics

Why embrace STEAM at SFU?

无论你的兴趣在哪里,欧宝体育app入口都相信可以帮助每个学生发展自己的能力 mind for exploration.


欧宝体育app入口STEAM学院的毕业生应对挑战并抓住机遇. 他们是富有同情心、负责任、积极主动和自信的公民,他们:


  • Think critically and creatively

  • Respect life

  • Cherish continued learning

  • Promote moral, spiritual, and social development

  • 实践适当的个人和职业道德行为

  • Communicate clearly in writing and speaking

  • Work effectively in teams

  • Leverage technology responsibly

  • 认识到他们对家庭、社区、国家和世界的责任




liberal arts education grounded in 弗朗西斯can values


Why Saint 弗朗西斯?

Tackle your future with confidence.

欧宝体育app入口的综合方法导致有成就的专业人士谁考虑欧宝体育app入口社会的复杂维度-美学, 文化, 经济学, the environment, 历史, mathematics, 道德, 政治, 科学, 社会, and technology.

Guiding Principles within STEAM:

  • 本科研究、实习和其他体验式学习机会
  • 现实项目实地工作,服务项目,社区参与活动
  • leadership and mentorship experiences, membership in professional societies, presenting at professional conferences
  • Interdisciplinary learning, projects, and activities

A personalized approach to learning and leading

欧宝体育app入口的教师已经非常成功地接受了外部资金,以加强本科STEAM教育, both in the classroom and in the laboratory.



Dr. Peter Skoner
Dean, School of STEAM


P: 814.472.3085


查看所有 Faculty


Opportunities for growth. Support for your passion.

欧宝体育app入口的STEAM学院让学生在大一的时候就有机会进行研究. 欧宝体育app入口的学生通过科学日等拓展活动来练习他们的新技能, Multicultural Week, Darwin Day,  Rural Outreach 化学 for Kids (R.O.C.K.),  PA Statistics Poster Competition, Pi Day, and many more. Many students also take part in study abroad programs and immersive learning experiences.


STEAM by the Numbers

407,120 STEAM教职员工在2020-2021学年获得的外部资助中获得了美元
5,627 friends in the community engaged in 193 STEAM activities during the 2020-2021 academic year
353 在2021年秋季学期注册STEAM课程的学生
54 faculty in STEAM to challenge, 支持, and mentor students
21 学生们在2021年夏天完成了STEAM本科研究, while being paid minimum wage, 由大学和学校资助的免费住宿和膳食计划
17 students on average in each STEAM class, to ensure students are engaged and involved, able to ask and answer questions
7 students for each faculty member (student to faculty ratio), ensuring students get individual attention



Learn more 

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